

Key Benefits of
Using this Microelement

Iron is essential for healthy and resilient plants. This trace element is needed in very small amounts, but its presence is essential for healthy and optimal plant development. Here are some of the ways in which the trace element iron helps in the growth of agricultural crops:

Photosynthesis: Iron is necessary for the functioning of some of the main enzymes involved in the process of photosynthesis. Photosynthesis is a key process in which plants convert sunlight, water and carbon dioxide into glucose and oxygen. This provides the necessary energy and nutrients for plant growth and development.

Respiratory chain: Iron is involved in some of the major complexes of proteins that are part of the respiratory chain of cells. This process is responsible for providing the energy needed for cellular processes and plant growth.

Nitrogen fixation: Iron plays an important role in some bacterial enzymes that are involved in the process of nitrogen fixation in the soil. Some types of plants can cooperate with nitrogen-fixing bacteria, which convert nitrogen from the air into forms that plants can use as nutrients. This process improves nitrogen levels and consequently supports plant growth.

Chlorophyll Synthesis: Iron is involved in the synthesis of chlorophyll, the green pigment responsible for absorbing light for photosynthesis. Without enough iron, plants may lose their ability to synthesize enough chlorophyll, which can reduce their photosynthetic efficiency and growth.

Regulation of growth hormones: Iron is involved in the regulation of growth hormones that control various aspects of plant growth, including cell division and elongation.


Iron (Fe) is associated with a number of oxidation-reduction processes in living cells, as well as with the formation of chlorophyll, biosynthesis of proteins, biological binding with atmospheric nitrogen. Iron is mainly concentrated in the vegetative organs. In plants, iron is mostly bound to amino acids or proteins. Plants use iron throughout the growing season. Vines and orchards are the most sensitive to iron deficiency.

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The company focuses its attention on the search for solutions in the field of mineral nutrition and fertilization based on biological raw materials. We have faced both disappointments and successes, but we always give our all in pursuit of the set goals.

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