Ca + Mg

Calcium and magnesium

Key Benefits of
Using this Microelements

The combination of the trace elements calcium and magnesium plays an important role in the growth and development of agricultural crops by improving cell structure, supporting photosynthesis, activating enzymes, regulating pH balance and stimulating plant growth and development. Farmers can benefit from SoGrow products that provide the optimal supply of calcium and magnesium to improve the productivity and quality of their crops. Here’s more information on the benefits of these two micronutrients:

Cell health: Calcium and magnesium are important for the stability of plant cell walls and membranes. Calcium is involved in the formation of calcium pectin matrices that give strength to cell walls, while magnesium helps to maintain the optimal flexibility of membranes. These processes are essential for the structural integrity of plants and protect them from physical damage.

Photosynthesis: Calcium and magnesium are important for the efficient operation of chlorophyll, which is a key factor in photosynthesis. Chlorophyll is a molecule that acts as the “green pigment” in plants and absorbs the light needed to convert water and carbon dioxide into glucose and oxygen through the process of photosynthesis. Growing crops with an optimal supply of calcium and magnesium promotes more efficient photosynthesis and increases plant productivity.

Enzyme activation: Calcium and magnesium are necessary for the activation of many enzymes in plants. These enzymes are involved in important biochemical processes, including synthesis of important molecules, regulation of metabolism, and growth and development mechanisms.

Regulation of pH balance: Calcium and magnesium play a role in the regulation of pH balance in soil and plants. An appropriate pH balance is essential for optimal nutrient uptake by plants. The supply of soil with calcium and magnesium helps to maintain the correct pH and the optimal functioning of the root system.

Growth and Development: Calcium and magnesium are also needed to regulate plant growth and development. Calcium stimulates cell division and the growth of new tissues, while magnesium is necessary for the synthesis of nucleic acids and proteins, which are essential for growth.

CA-MG Booster

CaMg is a product based on a combination of calcium and magnesium, designed to give plants the opportunity for proper growth and development. In the case of a lack of calcium, the roots of the plants suffer first. Subsequently, disturbances in growth and leaves begin, and then the fruits also begin to suffer. Magnesium (Mg) is a key element in photosynthesis. It plays an important role in the activation of enzymes involved in respiration, photosynthesis and nucleic acid synthesis.

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The company focuses its attention on the search for solutions in the field of mineral nutrition and fertilization based on biological raw materials. We have faced both disappointments and successes, but we always give our all in pursuit of the set goals.

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