Key Benefits of
Using this Microelement
The trace element boron is essential for the growth and development of agricultural crops, as it plays a key role in several important biochemical processes in plants. This trace element is needed in very small amounts, but its presence is essential for the optimal functioning of plants. Here are some of the ways in which the trace element boron helps agricultural growth:
Regulation of cell structures: Boron plays an important role in the formation and stability of plant cell walls. It is necessary for the proper integration of cellulose, which is a major component of cell walls. The correct structure of cell walls protects plants from physical damage and helps them cope with external stress factors.
Regulation of growth and development: The trace element boron is involved in the formation and regulation of some important growth hormones such as indolyl-3-acetic acid (IAC). This hormone is responsible for stimulating cell division and elongation, which is essential for plant growth.
Nutrient transport: Boron facilitates the transport of sugars and other nutrients from leaves to other parts of the plant. This supports the efficient use of food resources and optimal plant functioning.
Improvement of flowering and fruiting: The trace element boron plays a role in the formation of flowers and inflorescences of plants, as well as in the development of fruits. Its presence is essential for successful pollination and fruit formation.
Stress resistance: The trace element boron supports plant resistance against various stress conditions such as drought, low temperatures and attack by pests and diseases. It improves the adaptive mechanisms of plants and makes them more resistant to various stress factors.

Boron (B) plays an essential role in the construction of the cell envelope and cell plasma. It helps the maturation and differentiation of cells. It participates in the synthesis of chlorophyll, carotenoids and some vitamins, as well as their movement to roots, flowers, fruits. Increases plant resistance to adverse conditions such as drought, salinity, low temperatures and fungal diseases.

The company focuses its attention on the search for solutions in the field of mineral nutrition and fertilization based on biological raw materials. We have faced both disappointments and successes, but we always give our all in pursuit of the set goals.